A restricted fund is a specific type of financial resource allocated for a particular purpose within a nonprofit organization. These funds are designated by the donor for a specific use, such as supporting a particular program, project, or operational cost. The restriction can be temporary, lasting only until a particular project is completed, or permanent, meaning funds must be used for a specified purpose indefinitely. Organizations must track these funds separately from unrestricted funds and ensure they are spent according to the donor's intent. Proper management and reporting of restricted funds is crucial to maintain donor trust and fulfill legal obligations.
In reality, many donors specify how they want their contributions to be used by creating restricted funds, necessitating clear planning and reporting from the organization.
Restricted funds are designated for specific purposes dictated by the donors, while unrestricted funds can be used at the organization's discretion.
Nonprofits should implement strict accounting practices to ensure restricted funds are segregated and used appropriately, regularly reviewing fund balances and usage against donor agreements.
While restricted funds can require more oversight and administration to ensure compliance with donor intentions, they can also provide vital resources for targeted initiatives that align with the organization's mission.