House of Ruth

In late 2022, House of Ruth’s annual donations had unexpectedly fallen 20%. Momentum’s recommendation engine surfaced donors for Elizabeth and her team to connect with each week via phone calls and personalized emails.

Another $3,000! She just called and gave her credit card and specifically thanked us for the personalized note … You guys are amazing! We can’t stop pinching ourselves that this is happening.

Elizabeth Kiker
House of Ruth


  • Unexpected Donation Decline: In late 2022, House of Ruth’s annual donations had unexpectedly fallen by 20%.

Solution: Momentum

Elizabeth Kiker, House of Ruth’s Chief Development Officer, leveraged Momentum’s AI-driven platform to address the decline in donations. Here's how Momentum helped:

  1. Donor Recommendations:
    • Momentum’s recommendation engine surfaced donors for Elizabeth and her team to connect with each week via phone calls and personalized emails.
    • The platform identified high-potential donors and provided insights on the best ways to reengage them.
  2. Personalized Communication:
    • Momentum enabled Elizabeth and her team to send personalized notes and emails, which resonated more with donors.
    • The tailored communication helped in making the donors feel valued and appreciated, encouraging them to contribute again.
  3. Data-Driven Strategies:
    • Momentum’s AI analyzed past donation patterns and suggested strategies that were most likely to succeed.
    • The platform offered actionable insights and recommendations, helping the team make informed decisions.


  • Fundraising Success: In just three months, House of Ruth raised an additional $390,000.
  • Increased Individual Giving: Achieved a 7% increase in individual giving through targeted outreach.
  • Reengaged Lapsed Donors: Successfully reengaged 56 lapsed donors, resulting in $183,000 in donations.
  • New Donations: Secured 135 new donations, significantly boosting the overall fundraising efforts.

Accelerate Your Impact With Momentum

Learn how Momentum’s AI Donor Engagement Platform can help you focus on what matters most—building relationships with donors and amplifying your organization’s impact.