10 Mistakes to Avoid When Cultivating Major Donors

Griff Bohm
July 12, 2024
5 min read
Full name
11 Jan 2022
5 min read

Major donors can significantly impact your organization, bringing in 80-95% of an organization’s annual donations, but building and maintaining these relationships requires skill, strategy, and a keen understanding of donor motivations. Here are 10 common mistakes fundraisers make in major donor cultivation and how to avoid them.

Mistakes to avoid when cultivating major donors

1. Neglecting Personalization

Mistake: Sending generic, one-size-fits-all communications to major donors.

Solution: Take the time to personalize every interaction. Use the donor’s name, reference their past contributions, and tailor your messages to their specific interests and preferences. Tools like AI-driven donor engagement platforms can help by analyzing donor data to craft personalized communications.

2. Focusing Solely on Financial Asks

Mistake: Only reaching out to donors when you need money.

Solution: Cultivate a relationship beyond financial contributions. Show genuine interest in their lives, passions, and feedback. Regularly update them on how their donations have made a difference, invite them to events, and involve them in the organization’s mission. Major donor stewardship is the name of the game.

3. Ignoring Donor Preferences

Mistake: Failing to respect a donor’s preferred communication channels and frequency.

Solution: Always ask and record how and when donors prefer to be contacted. Use this information to guide your interactions, whether it’s through email, phone calls, or in-person meetings. This respect for their preferences shows you value their time and comfort.

4. Underestimating the Power of Gratitude

Mistake: Not thanking donors promptly and sincerely.

Solution: Thank your donors as soon as possible after receiving a donation. A handwritten note, a personal phone call, or a tailored email can go a long way. Additionally, recognizing their contributions publicly, with their consent, can reinforce their importance to your organization.

5. Lack of Regular Communication

Mistake: Only contacting donors during fundraising campaigns.

Solution: Maintain regular, meaningful communication throughout the year. Share success stories, updates on projects, and insider news about the organization. This consistent engagement keeps donors connected and invested in your mission.


Donor outreach made easy

Consistently reaching out to your whole portfolio is no easy feat. Fortunately, Momentum’s AI Donor Engagement platform takes a few items off your plate by prioritizing donor outreach, drafting donor communications in your writing style, and reminding you when you need to check in with a donor.

Explore the platform


6. Not Understanding Donor Motivations

Mistake: Assuming all donors are motivated by the same things.

Solution: Take the time to understand what drives each major donor. While there are some commonalities across major donor psychology, each donor will have their own unique motivations and interests. Some may be motivated by the impact of their contributions, while others may value recognition or involvement.

7. Poor Stewardship of Donations

Mistake: Failing to show how donations are used and the impact they have.

Solution: Be transparent about how donations are allocated and the outcomes they achieve. Regularly update donors with reports, stories, and data that highlight the impact of their support. This transparency builds trust and encourages continued giving.

8. Not Involving Donors in the Organization

Mistake: Treating donors only as financial contributors.

Solution: Involve major donors in your organization’s activities and decision-making processes. Invite them to serve on advisory boards, attend strategy sessions, or participate in special events. This involvement deepens their connection to your cause.

9. Inconsistent Follow-Up

Mistake: Failing to follow up on promises and commitments.

Solution: Always follow through on your promises, whether it’s providing information, setting up meetings, or sending reports. Use donor engagement tools to track your interactions and commitments to ensure you stay on top of your follow-ups.

10. Overlooking the Importance of a Strategic Plan

Mistake: Approaching major donor cultivation without a clear strategy.

Solution: Develop a comprehensive donor stewardship plan that outlines goals, strategies, and timelines for engaging each major donor. Regularly review and adjust your plan based on feedback and results. A strategic approach ensures that your efforts are focused and effective.

Your Major Donor Cultivation Takeaways

Cultivating major donors is crucial for the sustainability and growth of any nonprofit organization. By avoiding these common mistakes and implementing best practices, you can build stronger, more meaningful relationships with your major donors. Remember, successful donor cultivation is about more than just securing funds—it’s about building lasting partnerships that advance your mission and create lasting impact.

Implementing these strategies can transform your approach to major donor cultivation, ensuring your donors feel valued, engaged, and motivated to continue supporting your cause. Prioritize personalization, regular communication, and strategic planning to foster deep, impactful relationships with your major donors.

For more tips and best practices on major donor stewardship, explore our blog article, Leveraging AI in Major Gift Fundraising: A Game-Changer in Philanthropy.

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